Dare to be different
The Reverse Matrix
The Reverse Matrix program is a Company Forced matrix split into 5 levels. Each Level is its own unique single level matrix.
Now, unlike your conventional matrix, where every higher level requires more and more positions to fill, we created the exact opposite = Start Big - Finish Small
Level 1 requires 6 positions to fill, Level 2 requires 5 positions, Level 3 requires 4 positions, Level 4 requires 3 positions and Level 5 requires only 2 positions to fill!
There are also a total of 14 re-entries for every single position, once it has completed a full cycle.
Due to the constant re-entries, there will be a lot of spillover of positions from the members that joined before you, as well as those that will join after you.
It pays to promote: For every person you refer to our program, you will collect $130 in Matching Advertising rebates for every one of their positions, once they have completed all 5 levels.
A detailed description on all earnings and benefits per level is shown below.
You can chose from either the Company Forced or Teambuild (Member Forced) Reverse Matrix or both = Twice The Earnings!

The Tripler
The Tripler is an exciting opportunity to make some quick bucks. Only 3 levels to fill and each level requires only 3 positions to fill.
The Tripler is a Company Forced matrix and you'll receive 3 re-entries, once your position has completed all 3 Levels.
Then you do it all over again, but this time with 3 positions - Hence the name: The Tripler!
Please note: Due to the low entry fee and with only 3 levels in total, there is no payout when you bcomplete Level 1, this is to ensure that the overall
payout is still a very attractive return for such a small matrix.
You will receive Login Ad and Banner Ad credits to advertise your other opportunities and all of the above for a one time payment of $5!
A detailed description on all earnings and benefits per level is shown below.

The Teambuild Reverse Matrix
The teambuild matrix is especially designed for those, that have a team already in place! It uses the same reverse matrix principle as our main program,
however, as the name suggests, any referrals you bring in will stay in your levels only!
Thus you get the best reward for effort as you are not filling somebody elses position like you would in a Company Forced matrix.
There are only 3 Levels to fill and you can see the detailed description on all earnings and benefits per level below.